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Begin Japanese !

Accueil: Bienvenue


Welcome to Begin Japanese.

My name is Robin.

I am a third-year student in Japanese at ULB.
Just as you most likely are, I am very passionate about Japan. 
I love to share my passion and I strive to teach Japanese at a professional level in the future. Whether you are a total beginner, an intermediate, or simply someone curious about Japan, its language and its culture, you have come to the right place. 

Welcome and enjoy your visit!

The conversation table I had with Robin were effective and informative: not only did he explain to me the grammar points that I was struggling with, his oral exercises were perfect for practicing them.

He was patient and nonjudgmental, which made me feel comfortable very easily. I strongly recommend Robin, especially if conversing in Japanese is not your forte. 

(Translated from French)

Auriane, third-year student in Japanese



Are you interested in a course or initiation?

Do you have any question or doubt?

Feel free to contact me. 

Thank you!

©2021 Japanese With Robin.

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